Group Litigation

"The depth of expertise is second to none - they are leaders in their fields."

Chambers & Partners

Fountain Court has a leading reputation for handling long-running, complex, substantial, and high-profile, multi-party disputes, often with transnational dimensions, including in relation to the complicated and intensive procedural and jurisdictional issues these matters can involve.

Members are often appointed as a part of a larger group of legal and other advisors, either to lead the advocacy in that team and direct the legal strategy, or to bring specific sectoral expertise.

Our instructions include the Ingenious Litigation, pursued by 500+ claimants against financial institutions in relation to investments in supposedly tax-efficient film financing schemes; and claims brought against UK banks by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation involving allegations of fraudulent and anti-competitive behaviour in relation to the setting of LIBOR.

In the automotive sector, we act in the Emissions Litigation for various vehicle manufacturers, which involves hundreds of thousands of claims by consumers in relation to the alleged use of ‘defeat devices’, and in the long-running Trucks Litigation which was one of the first claims to be issued under the Competition Appeal Tribunal’s collective proceedings regime.

Nine Fountain Court members also acted in the FCA Business Interruption Test Case, the first case to proceed under the Financial Markets Test Case Scheme, relating to claims resulting from the global pandemic.

We have also acted in numerous group actions in the medical and pharmaceutical fields including the Hormone Pregnancy Tests Litigation and the PIP Breast Implant Litigation.

In recent times, our expertise has been called upon in matters involving ESG-related issues, include for British American Tobacco in major group litigation brought by Malawian farmers; and in defence of a food and agri-business regarding claims by Ghanaian labourers.

Our work includes acting in the pursuit and/or defence of substantial group claims in a variety of sectors and practice areas including:

  • Administrative & Public Law
  • Aviation & Travel
  • Banking & Finance
  • Competition
  • Employment
  • ESG-related claims
  • Financial Services
  • Insurance
  • Product Liability
  • Professional Negligence

  • Acting for various car manufacturer defendants in relation to group litigation brought by many thousands of consumers in relation to liability allegations founded on a claim that the vehicles in question contained ‘defeat devices’.
  • Acting for various parties in the ‘opt-out’ class action for damages arising from the anti-competitive practices of a cartel of European truck manufacturers over a 14-year period.
  • Acting for various financial institutions in the Ingenious proceedings, brought by many investors who alleged that banks and other advisors negligently advised them to enter into film finance schemes to mitigate tax liabilities.
  • Acting in the high-profile FCA Business Interruption Insurance Test Case, including at both the High Court and ‘leapfrog’ Supreme Court hearings, concerning whether certain business interruption policies responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting over 370,000 policyholders.
  • Acting for the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and the Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation Ltd in relation to civil claims arising out of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017.
  • Acting in a group action brought by over 200 claimants arising from the use of Hormone Pregnancy Tests in the 1960s and 1970s, involving allegations that the tests caused or materially contributed to adverse outcomes in pregnancy.
  • Acting for British American Tobacco in respect of widely publicised group claims by Malawian tobacco farmers.
  • Acting for RBS in the Rights Issue shareholder class action, brought by investors under section 90 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, regarding allegations that directors issued misleading statements in the period up to the offering, causing shares to trade at inflated prices.
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Group Litigation Barristers

Richard Handyside QC

Richard Handyside KC

Call 1993 | Silk 2009

Leigh-Ann Mulcahy QC

Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KC

Call 1993 | Silk 2009

Ben Lynch QC

Ben Lynch KC

Call 2001 | Silk 2020

Alex Barden

Alex Barden

Call 2005

Natasha Bennett

Natasha Bennett

Call 2009

Niamh Cleary

Niamh Cleary

Call 2012

Max Evans

Max Evans

Call 2015

Hannah Bernstein

Hannah Bernstein

Call 2020

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