Francesca Ruddy

Call 2020

For enquiries please contact

George Hack
Team Leader
+44 (0)207 842 3762
Click here to email

Sam Ismail

Sam Ismail
Team Leader's Assistant
+44 (0)20 7842 3799
Click here to email


Francesca has worked on cases involving loans, equities and derivatives of various kinds, including several cases which raise issues of the construction or effect of documentation such as the ISDA Master Agreement and the FCA Handbook.

Notable Banking & Finance Cases

Palladian Partners v LP & Ors v Republic of Argentina & Anr

Acting for the Republic of Argentina in litigation brought against the Republic by holders of GDP-linked bonds issued by the Republic as part of its national debt restructuring, one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 Cases of 2022, with an appeal heard in 2024 (with David Railton KC, Ben Valentin KC, Tamara Oppenheimer KC and Samuel Ritchie).

Farol Holdings et al v Clydesdale Bank & National Australia Bank

Acting for National Australia Bank in litigation relating to the calculation of break costs and determination of the applicable fixed rate for tailored business loans offered by Clydesdale Bank to its customers (with Paddy Goodall KC and Natasha Bennett).

Stichting Vestia v Barclays Bank

Acting for Barclays in relation to a €280 million claim brought by a Dutch social housing association in respect of various interest rate derivative transactions which are alleged to have been beyond its capacity (with Paddy Goodall KC and Sandy Phipps).

Allianz Global Investors GmbH v Barclays Bank plc and others

Acting for Barclays in a high-value claim in the CAT concerning alleged manipulation of FX rates and breaches of competition law (with Mark Hoskins KC, Rosalind Phelps KC, Daniel Piccinin KC and David Heaton).

PPI mis-selling

Acting (as sole counsel) for major UK banks in various claims relating to alleged mis-selling of payment protection insurance.

Secret commission

Acting (as sole counsel) for a UK lender in a claim relating to the alleged payment of secret commission to a loan broker.


Acting (as sole counsel) for a major UK bank in a breach of contract dispute regarding its entitlement to repayment of chargebacks in respect of fraudulent transactions.

Alleged LIBOR manipulation

Assisting Counsel for the defendant on an application for a preliminary issue in respect of the claimant’s title to sue, in the context of a GBP 9,000,000 LIBOR manipulation claim (during pupillage).

LIBOR class action

Assisting defendant Counsel in a substantial class action claim in respect of alleged manipulation of LIBOR (during pupillage).

Mis-selling of FX derivative products

Assisting Counsel for the claimant bank, drafting particulars of claim in pursuit of outstanding settlement amounts under FX derivative trades and defending a substantial counterclaim in relation to alleged mis-selling of FX derivative contracts.

PPI mis-selling

Assisting Counsel for the defendant bank to advise in relation to indemnity and contribution claims in respect of alleged mis-selling of payment protection insurance (during pupillage).

Tied advisor PPI mis-selling

Assisting Counsel for the defendant insurance broker, preparing its defence to claims in respect of alleged mis-selling of payment protection insurance by a tied advisor (during pupillage).

Francesca has particular interest and experience in civil fraud claims.

Notable Civil Fraud Cases

Kunlun Newcentury & Ors v Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Corp & Ors BVIHC (Com) 2017/0151

Acting for one of the PRC’s largest pharmaceutical companies in a dispute over the ownership of a substantial foreign-held shareholding, involving allegations of fraudulent misappropriation and complex issues regarding proprietary remedies and conflicts of laws (with Stephen Rubin KC).

Acting for an international bank in Commercial Court proceedings in respect of a substantial loan default, involving allegations of conspiracy, malicious falsehood, inducement of breach of contract and breaches of confidence (with Michael McLaren KC and Gillian Hughes).

Deripaska v Chernukhin and Navigator Equities Limited [2021]JCA206

Instructed in relation to proceedings in Jersey concerning alleged collateral waiver of privilege, following the obtaining of interlocutory injunctions in June 2019 on an ex parte application (with Daniel Edmonds).

Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments Ltd

Instructed to advise on issues of legal professional privilege and disclosure in ongoing proceedings brought by a creditor seeking to enforce an arbitral award against Nigeria worth more than $10 billion, involving allegations of fraud and bribery.

Freezing injunction cross-undertaking

Advising an individual in relation to the enforcement of a cross-undertaking in damages following the discharge of an English freezing injunction against him while overseas proceedings remain pending.

Bluewaters Communications Holdings LLC v Bayerische Landesbank Anstalt Des Offentlichen Rechts, Mr Bernard Charles Ecclestone, Bambino Holdings Limited [2018] EWHC 78 (Comm)

Defending Bernie Ecclestone in a high-profile USD 650 million Commercial Court claim involving allegations of unlawful means conspiracy and other economic torts in connection with the sale of Formula 1 to CVC (at HSF).

€120,000,000 freezing order

Working with Henry King KC to resist an application by the BVI receiver for court approval to sell substantial assets held by an entity subject to a freezing order, in complex proceedings involving BVI, Russian and Cypriot elements (during pupillage).

Ponzi scheme

Assisting Counsel to advise a major international bank on the scope of its anti-money laundering obligations under successive statutory regimes, in the context of defending a negligence claim brought by the victims of a major Ponzi scheme (during pupillage).

Ex-director breach of trust

Assisting Counsel for the company to advise on potential claims arising from its deceased ex-director’s misappropriation of property in breach of trust, fiduciary duty and implied contract, including possible tracing claims and interim relief (during pupillage).

Dissipation of security assets

Assisting Niamh Cleary to advise a lender in relation to possible causes of action against a Guernsey-based borrower and guarantor, in circumstances where security assets had been dissipated (during pupillage).

Having practised as a Solicitor-Advocate in the general commercial disputes team at Herbert Smith Freehills in London, Francesca has considerable experience of domestic and international commercial litigation.

During her tenure as a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court, Francesca worked on some of the most important commercial disputes in the UK.

Notable Commercial Disputes Cases

Fishman v Grebnev

Acting for the Defendant in Commercial Court proceedings concerning an alleged loan and option agreement relating to a proposed fintech venture (with Ben Valentin KC).

Advising a corporate lender in relation to its rights against a defaulting borrower under a bespoke, high-value facility agreement and associated share charge, as well as the proposed launch of a new cryptoasset.

Advising an individual subject to parallel Commercial Court and criminal proceedings on an application for confidentiality measures in the civil proceedings.

Acting for a UK law firm (as sole counsel) in proceedings to recover unpaid fees from a former client and defending allegations of breaches of duty of care.

Various strike out and summary judgment applications (as sole counsel) in respect of misconceived commercial claims.

Bluewaters Communications Holdings LLC v Bayerische Landesbank Anstalt Des Offentlichen Rechts, Mr Bernard Charles Ecclestone, Bambino Holdings Limited [2018] EWHC 78 (Comm)

Defending Bernie Ecclestone in substantial, high profile High Court litigation involving allegations of unlawful means conspiracy and other economic torts in connection with the sale of Formula 1 to CVC (at HSF).

Apache North Sea Ltd v Euroil Exploration Ltd & Anor [2019] EWHC 3241 (Comm)

Defending Euroil and its parent in High Court litigation involving allegations of breaches of a Farm-Out Agreement and associated Joint Operating Agreement in respect of drilling operations in the North Sea (at HSF).

Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Limited v Baker Hughes Limited

Acting for Repsol in relation to a substantial claim relating to defective electrical submersible pumps (at HSF).

The Trucks Litigation

Acting for Iveco in defence of multiple follow-on claims in the Competition Appeal Tribunal estimated to be worth over £1 billion (at HSF).

Interim relief

Assisting Counsel to advise the victim of suspected hacking on the availability of interim remedies, including Norwich Pharmacal relief, prior to commencing proceedings (during pupillage).

Exclusive distribution agreement

Assisting Counsel for the claimant distribution company, drafting particulars of claim for debt and damages claims in respect of breaches of exclusivity obligations and non-payment of invoices (during pupillage).

Res judicata

Assisting claimant Counsel in a warranty claim to advise on the appealability of an unfavourable factual finding in a summary judgment decision (during pupillage).

Maintenance and champerty

Assisting defendant Counsel to advise on the champertous nature of an assignment agreement by which a claimant seeking restitution and tort damages purported to have title to sue (during pupillage).

Defective products and delayed performance

Assisting Rebecca Loveridge to advise a poultry farmer in relation to the quantum of damages he may recover in respect of delayed deliveries and defective feed (during pupillage).

Huawei Technologies Co Ltd & Another v Conversant Wireless Licensing SÁRL [2020] UKSC 37

As Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

The Law Debenture Trust Corporation Plc v Ukraine UKSC 2018/0191 and 0192.

As Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Sevilleja v Marex [2020] UKSC 31

As Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Mastercard Incorporated & Others v Walter Hugh Merricks CBE [2020] UKSC 51

As Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd and others v MasterCard Incorporated & Others; Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd v Visa Europe Services LLC [2020] UKSC 24

As Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd [2020] UKSC 48

As Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Aspen Underwriting Ltd & Others v Credit Europe Bank NV [2020] UKSC 11

As Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Many of Francesca’s cases raise company law and insolvency issues.

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court, Francesca worked on several company law and insolvency-related appeals.

Notable Company, Restructuring & Insolvency Cases

Advising a major professional indemnity insurer on the attribution of knowledge within a complex corporate structure for the purposes of the duty of fair presentation, in the context of a policy coverage dispute.

Acting for the petitioning creditor (as sole counsel) in bankruptcy proceedings involving unpaid commercial debts.

Ex-director breach of trust

Assisting Counsel for the company to advise on potential claims arising from its deceased ex-director’s misappropriation of property in breach of trust, fiduciary duty and implied contract, including possible tracing claims and interim relief (during pupillage).

Parallel debt and insolvency proceedings

Preparing a statutory demand and claim form in respect of a £14,000,000 trading debt and assisting Counsel for the Claimant to advise on the simultaneous pursuit of debt and insolvency proceedings, including issues as to the respective jurisdiction of the English and Gibraltar courts (during pupillage).

Insolvent borrower

Assisting Niamh Cleary to advise a lender in relation to possible causes of action against a Guernsey-based borrower and guarantor, in circumstances where security assets had been dissipated (during pupillage).

Sevilleja v Marex [2020] UKSC 31

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Okpabi & Others v Royal Dutch Shell Plc & Another [2021] UKSC 3

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

MacDonald & Another v Carnbroe Estates Ltd [2019] UKSC 57

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Francesca has acted in various competition disputes.

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court, Francesca worked on some of the most significant recent competition appeals.

Notable Competition Cases

Allianz Global Investors GmbH v Barclays Bank plc and others

Acting for Barclays in a high-value claim in the CAT concerning alleged manipulation of FX rates and breaches of competition law (with Mark Hoskins KC, Rosalind Phelps KC, Daniel Piccinin KC and David Heaton).

The Trucks Litigation

Acting for Iveco in defence of multiple follow-on claims in the Competition Appeal Tribunal estimated to be worth over £1 billion (at HSF).

LIBOR class action

Assisting defendant Counsel in a substantial class action claim in respect of alleged manipulation of LIBOR, involving allegations of breaches of competition law (during pupillage).

Mastercard Incorporated and others v Walter Hugh Merricks CBE [2020] UKSC 51

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd & Others v MasterCard Incorporated & Others; Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd v Visa Europe Services LLC [2020] UKSC 24

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Francesca has acted in a number of complex and high-value energy and infrastructure disputes.

Notable Construction, Energy & Infrastructure Cases

Acting for an international bank in ongoing Commercial Court proceedings in respect of a substantial default under an oil and petroleum trade finance agreement, involving allegations of conspiracy, malicious falsehood, inducement of breach of contract and breaches of confidence (with Michael McLaren KC and Gillian Hughes).

Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments Ltd

Instructed to advise on issues of legal professional privilege and disclosure in ongoing proceedings brought by a creditor seeking to enforce an arbitral award against Nigeria worth more than $10 billion in respect of a gas supply and processing agreement, involving allegations of fraud and bribery.

Advising a major professional indemnity insurer on policy coverage issues in a construction context (with Anneliese Day KC).

Apache North Sea Ltd v Euroil Exploration Ltd & Anor [2019] EWHC 3241 (Comm)

Defending Euroil and its parent in High Court litigation involving allegations of breaches of a Farm-Out Agreement and associated Joint Operating Agreement in respect of drilling operations in the North Sea (at HSF).

Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Limited v Baker Hughes Limited

Acting for Repsol in relation to a substantial claim relating to defective electrical submersible pumps (at HSF).

Advising a Site Licence Company and Parent Body Organisation in relation to nuclear decommissioning contracts with the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (at HSF).

Acting for various major European energy companies in price review disputes under long-term gas and LNG sale and purchase agreements (at HSF).

Advising the operator of a major renewable energy plant as to the construction of “take or pay”, contractual notice and termination payment obligations in a long-term fuel supply agreement (at HSF).

Advising on issues of jurisdiction and governing law in tort claims relating to activities undertaken on the UK Continental Shelf (at HSF).

Advising on force majeure and exclusive remedy clauses in respect of shut-ins and underdelivery under long-term gas sale and purchase agreements (at HSF).

British Gas Trading Ltd v Shell UK Ltd [2018] EWHC 3943 (Comm)

Acting for British Gas Trading in a dispute relating to take or pay obligations under a long-term gas sale and purchase agreement and the contractual mechanism for varying the total reservoirs daily quantity (at HSF).

Francesca has worked on cases involving financial products of various kinds, including several cases which raise issues of the construction or effect of documentation such as the ISDA Master Agreement and the FCA Handbook.

Notable Financial Services Cases

Palladian Partners v LP & Ors v Republic of Argentina & Anr

Acting for the Republic of Argentina in litigation brought against the Republic by holders of GDP-linked bonds issued by the Republic as part of its national debt restructuring, one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 Cases of 2022, with an appeal heard in 2024 (with David Railton KC, Ben Valentin KC, Tamara Oppenheimer KC and Samuel Ritchie).

Farol Holdings et al v Clydesdale Bank & National Australia Bank

Acting for National Australia Bank in litigation relating to the calculation of break costs and determination of the applicable fixed rate for tailored business loans offered by Clydesdale Bank to its customers (with Paddy Goodall KC and Natasha Bennett).

Stichting Vestia v Barclays Bank

Acting for Barclays in relation to a €280 million claim brought by a Dutch social housing association in respect of various interest rate derivative transactions which are alleged to have been beyond its capacity (with Paddy Goodall KC and Sandy Phipps).

Allianz Global Investors GmbH v Barclays Bank plc and others

Acting for Barclays in a high-value claim in the CAT concerning alleged manipulation of FX rates and breaches of competition law (with Mark Hoskins KC, Rosalind Phelps KC, Daniel Piccinin KC and David Heaton).

Acting for an international bank in Commercial Court proceedings in respect of a substantial loan default, involving allegations of conspiracy, malicious falsehood, inducement of breach of contract and breaches of confidence (with Michael McLaren KC and Gillian Hughes).

PPI mis-selling

Acting (as sole counsel) for major UK banks in various claims relating to alleged mis-selling of payment protection insurance.

Secret commission

Acting (as sole counsel) for a UK lender in a claim relating to the alleged payment of secret commission to a loan broker.


Acting (as sole counsel) for a major UK bank in a breach of contract dispute regarding its entitlement to repayment of chargebacks in respect of fraudulent transactions.

Alleged LIBOR manipulation

Assisting Counsel for the defendant on an application for a preliminary issue in respect of the claimant’s title to sue, in the context of a GBP 9,000,000 LIBOR manipulation claim (during pupillage).

LIBOR class action

Assisting defendant Counsel in a substantial class action claim in respect of alleged manipulation of LIBOR (during pupillage).

PPI mis-selling

Assisting Counsel for the defendant bank to advise in relation to indemnity and contribution claims in respect of alleged mis-selling of payment protection insurance (during pupillage).

Tied advisor PPI mis-selling

Assisting Counsel for the defendant insurance broker, preparing its defence to claims in respect of alleged mis-selling of payment protection insurance by a tied advisor (during pupillage).

Mis-selling of FX derivative products

Assisting Counsel for the claimant bank, drafting particulars of claim in pursuit of outstanding settlement amounts under FX derivative trades and defending a substantial counterclaim in relation to alleged mis-selling of FX derivative contracts (during pupillage).

Francesca has worked on several insurance disputes and anticipated disputes.

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court, Francesca worked on key insurance-related appeals.

Notable Insurance Cases

Advising a major professional indemnity insurer on policy coverage issues in a construction context (with Anneliese Day KC).

Assisting Leading Counsel for a major professional indemnity insurer to advise in relation to the effect of the SRA’s Minimum Terms and Conditions on various insurance policies (during pupillage).

Assisting Counsel for a trade credit insurer to advise in relation to the effect of bespoke contractual language in relation to the maximum limit of liability under various policies (during pupillage).

Assisting Counsel for the defendant insurance broker to prepare its defence to claims in respect of alleged mis-selling of payment protection insurance by a tied advisor (during pupillage).

Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd [2020] UKSC 48

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi A.S. v OOO Insurance Company Chubb [2020] UKSC 38

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Aspen Underwriting Ltd & others v Credit Europe Bank NV [2020] UKSC 11

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Francesca has experience of arbitral proceedings at all stages and under various institutional rules. In addition to acting as counsel in arbitration proceedings, she also accepts instructions to sit as an arbitral tribunal secretary.

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court, Francesca worked on landmark arbitration-related appeals.

Notable International Arbitration Cases


Sitting as the administrative secretary to the Tribunal in a major ICC arbitration relating to disputed delay, disruption and variation claims arising from the construction of a gas processing plant and pipeline in Northern Africa. The arbitration is seated in Vienna and governed by English law.


Assisting Akhil Shah KC and Samuel Ritchie in international arbitral proceedings concerning the manufacture and supply of aeroplane components and the allocation of risk between supply contracts (during pupillage).

Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments Ltd

Instructed to advise on issues of legal professional privilege and disclosure in ongoing proceedings brought by a creditor seeking to enforce an arbitral award against Nigeria worth more than $10 billion, involving allegations of fraud and bribery.


Acting for a major international media company in a high value arbitration under the IFTA rules involving allegations of bad faith and breaches of contract (at HSF).

Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd [2020] UKSC 48

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi A.S. v OOO Insurance Company Chubb [2020] UKSC 38

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Micula & Others v Romania [2020] UKSC 5

As a Judicial Assistant at the UK Supreme Court.

Francesca undertook a secondment to Sky Plc in 2015 and retains a key interest in the TMT sector.

Notable Media & Entertainment Cases

IFTA arbitration

Acting for a major international media company in a high value arbitration under the IFTA rules involving allegations of bad faith and breaches of contract (at HSF).

IT dispute

Advising an international technology company in relation to contentious issues in the context of a software development and data migration project in the retail sector (at HSF).

Francesca is admitted to the bar of the British Virgin Islands and her broad commercial and civil fraud practice encompasses a significant amount of offshore work.

As a Judicial Assistant to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, Francesca worked on a number of complex Commonwealth appeals.

Notable Offshore Cases

Kunlun Newcentury & Ors v Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Corp & Ors BVIHC (Com) 2017/0151

Acting for one of the PRC’s largest pharmaceutical companies in a dispute over the ownership of a substantial foreign-held shareholding, involving allegations of fraudulent misappropriation and complex issues regarding proprietary remedies and conflicts of laws (with Stephen Rubin KC).

Deripaska v Chernukhin and Navigator Equities Limited [2021]JCA206

Instructed in relation to proceedings in Jersey concerning alleged collateral waiver of privilege, following the obtaining of interlocutory injunctions in June 2019 on an ex parte application (with Daniel Edmonds).

€120,000,000 freezing order

Working with Henry King KC to resist an application by the BVI receiver for court approval to sell substantial assets held by an entity subject to a freezing order, in complex proceedings involving BVI, Russian and Cypriot elements.

Guernsey loan default

Assisting Niamh Cleary to advise a lender in relation to possible causes of action against a Guernsey-based borrower and guarantor, in circumstances where security assets had been dissipated.

Attorney General of the Virgin Islands v Global Water Associates Ltd (British Virgin Islands) [2020] UKSC 18

As a Judicial Assistant to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

Ciban Management Corporation v Citco (BVI) Ltd & Another (British Virgin Islands) [2020] UKSC 21

As a Judicial Assistant to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

Chu v Lau (British Virgin Islands) [2020] UKPC 24

As a Judicial Assistant to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

Presidential Insurance Company Ltd v Twitz & Another (Trinidad & Tobago) [2020] UKPC 20

As a Judicial Assistant to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

Williams v The Supervisory Authority (Antigua & Barbuda) [2020] UKPC 15

As a Judicial Assistant to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

The Minister of Energy & Energy Affairs v Maharaj & Another (Trinidad & Tobago) [2020] UKPC 13

As a Judicial Assistant to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

Notable Privilege, Confidentiality & Conflicts of Interest Cases

Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments Ltd

Instructed to advise on issues of legal professional privilege and disclosure in ongoing proceedings brought by a creditor seeking to enforce an arbitral award against Nigeria worth more than $10 billion, involving allegations of fraud and bribery.

Advising an individual subject to parallel Commercial Court and criminal proceedings on an application for confidentiality measures in the civil proceedings.

Deripaska v Chernukhin and Navigator Equities Limited [2021]JCA206

Instructed in relation to proceedings in Jersey concerning alleged collateral waiver of privilege, following the obtaining of interlocutory injunctions in June 2019 on an ex parte application (with Daniel Edmonds).

Notable Sports Cases

Sports revenue dispute

Assisting Henry King KC in advising a major sports league on various points of construction in relation to a substantial revenue sharing agreement (during pupillage).

Sports licensing dispute

Pro bono advice to a former prisoner seeking to reverse a decision of the British Boxing Board of Control refusing to grant him a boxing licence.

Bluewaters Communications Holdings LLC v Bayerische Landesbank Anstalt Des Offentlichen Rechts, Mr Bernard Charles Ecclestone, Bambino Holdings Limited [2018] EWHC 78 (Comm)

Defending Bernie Ecclestone in substantial, high profile High Court litigation involving allegations of unlawful means conspiracy and other economic torts in connection with the sale of Formula 1 to CVC (at HSF).

  • University of Glasgow: LLB (Hons) Scots Law with French Language (First Class Honours with a Distinction in spoken French; winner of the Dr John MacCormick Prize for the most distinguished academic record in the studies for the Bachelor of Laws and the Pitoy Prize for the most proficient French speaker to present as a candidate for Honours examination)
  • Sciences Po, Paris: Certificat du Programme d’Echange (Summa Cum Laude, concentration droit, mention francophone)
  • BPP University: Accelerated Legal Practice Course (Distinction)
  • Solicitors Regulation Authority/Herbert Smith Freehills LLP: Higher Rights of Audience (top of cohort)

  • Called to the Bar of the British Virgin Islands

  • Pegasus Scholarship (Pegasus Scholarship Trust)
  • Dr John MacCormick Prize (University of Glasgow)
  • Pitoy Prize (University of Glasgow)
  • Dean’s List (Sciences Po, Paris)
  • Stevenson Exchange Scholarship (Stevenson Exchange Committee)
  • Winner of the ESU-Essex Court Chambers National Mooting Competition 2011
  • Mary G Ross Prize (University of Glasgow)
  • School of Law Prize (University of Glasgow)

  • “Court of Appeal confirms second claim an abuse of process after first claim struck out for non-payment of security for costs” HSF Litigation Notes, April 2019
  • “Conflicting first instance decisions on whether default judgment can be granted where acknowledgement of service filed late” Mondaq, January 2019
  • “High Court refuses extension where claimants deliberately failed to serve claim form” Lexology, September 2018
  • “Budgets: The cost of everything” The Commercial Litigation Journal, July 2017

  • French (fluent)
  • Spanish (advanced)

For enquiries please contact

George Hack
Team Leader
+44 (0)207 842 3762
Click here to email

Sam Ismail

Sam Ismail
Team Leader's Assistant
+44 (0)20 7842 3799
Click here to email

  • University of Glasgow: LLB (Hons) Scots Law with French Language (First Class Honours with a Distinction in spoken French; winner of the Dr John MacCormick Prize for the most distinguished academic record in the studies for the Bachelor of Laws and the Pitoy Prize for the most proficient French speaker to present as a candidate for Honours examination)
  • Sciences Po, Paris: Certificat du Programme d’Echange (Summa Cum Laude, concentration droit, mention francophone)
  • BPP University: Accelerated Legal Practice Course (Distinction)
  • Solicitors Regulation Authority/Herbert Smith Freehills LLP: Higher Rights of Audience (top of cohort)

  • Called to the Bar of the British Virgin Islands

  • Pegasus Scholarship (Pegasus Scholarship Trust)
  • Dr John MacCormick Prize (University of Glasgow)
  • Pitoy Prize (University of Glasgow)
  • Dean’s List (Sciences Po, Paris)
  • Stevenson Exchange Scholarship (Stevenson Exchange Committee)
  • Winner of the ESU-Essex Court Chambers National Mooting Competition 2011
  • Mary G Ross Prize (University of Glasgow)
  • School of Law Prize (University of Glasgow)

  • “Court of Appeal confirms second claim an abuse of process after first claim struck out for non-payment of security for costs” HSF Litigation Notes, April 2019
  • “Conflicting first instance decisions on whether default judgment can be granted where acknowledgement of service filed late” Mondaq, January 2019
  • “High Court refuses extension where claimants deliberately failed to serve claim form” Lexology, September 2018
  • “Budgets: The cost of everything” The Commercial Litigation Journal, July 2017

  • French (fluent)
  • Spanish (advanced)



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